Frequently Asked Questions


The cost of importing (typically VAT and Customs fees) a ZETA Violin w/case, harmonized code 92021010 . . . varies depending on the country of import. European VAT fees range from 18% to 25%, with Customs fees up to 4%. These fees are collected from the purchaser by the government upon arrival in the foreign country. Some example VAT fees: United Kingdom-20%, Italy-22%, France-20%, Germany-19%, Ireland-23%, Netherlands-21%, Romania-24%, Malta-18%.

Category: Ordering

Go to ZETA’s Catalog (here) and find the instrument you are interested in purchasing. You can narrow your search by clicking one of the category tabs at the top of the catalog. Once you’ve found your desired model, the current lead-time for shipping is shown on the product picture (ie 3 Days). Click on the ‘More . . .’ button found at the bottom of the instrument description. This takes you to the order page where you will find further features included with the instrument as well as pictures of our ZETA case and preamp. By clicking on the product picture you can view a high resolution pic of this model (including a 2nd level of enlargement which is available by clicking in the upper left-hand corner). From there you can add the instrument to your cart and purchase using any credit card or PayPal. Shipping is free in the USA and overseas shipping (3-5 Day USPS Express) is $99.

Category: Ordering

Checking Out

You can check-out using Visa/MasterCard, American Express, Discover card option “Pay with Credit Card”, or you can check out using PayPal. When using PayPal you have the option of using your PayPal account, or processing your preferred bank card through PayPal, ie you don’t have to have a PayPal account to use this option. The PayPal Express option is both fast and convenient as this option allows you to bypass filling out any forms and your item is shipped to the address of your PayPal account.

If you prefer to send payment direct from your bank, you can wire transfer directly to our ‘Bank of America’ account. This is a simple process but requires you to contact us to send you the invoice for your order and provide you with our bank routing and account #. Contact Steve at ZETA Violins ( if you would like to pay for your order with a direct bank transfer.

Additionally . . . you can use Western Union to send full or partial payment for your purchase. This is a very simple process. Send your payment in US Dollars via Western Union to: Stephen Carlson, Belgrade, Montana, USA.

Category: Checking Out


The GR-55 is a Guitar/Bass Synth . . . with a factory setup to function best with those type of instruments, ie fretted and plucked. Violins are different of course . . . and so it is best to make adjustments to the unit for our instrument of choice . . . the violin. It is important to note that the below adjustments are a ‘starting point’ I have found thru experimentation. Once you make these changes and get comfortable with what does what, it is expected that you will further tweak and ‘dial in’ your GR-55 to suit your specific instrument and style of playing.

(Note: The GR-55 is extremely versatile and complex. It is highly recommended you read the manual and get familiar with everything you can do with it and how to change those things you may want to change. There is no substitute for spending time doing this. There are many exemplary videos online where you can see the versatility and potential of this unit. Exiting from the setup screen saves your changes)

  1. Set your Gr-55 for Guitar (page 9, manual)
  2. Give your new settings a Name: Edit, arrow to GK Settings-Enter, then Enter and put in name, I use ZETA . . . press exit, exit to save
  3. Change the Pick-Up type: Edit, GK Settings-Enter, page to PU tab, arrow down to ‘PU Type’ – scroll to PIEZO R
  4. Change Scale: arrow down to ‘Scale’ – scroll to 500 mm
  5. Change Distance: page over to DIS . . . arrow down and change each string to 10 mm (book says this is not used if PIEZO, but I do it anyway)
  6. Change Sensitivity: page over to SEN . . . arrow down and change each string to 20 . . . this you can play with to suit you
  7. Change Velocity: page over to VEL . . . arrow down and change, Velocity Dynamics to 7, Play Feel to 3, Low Velocity Cut to 5 (these you will play with to see the differences they make in your triggering, etc.
  8. Change Nuance Dynamics: Nuance Dynamics to 0, Nuance Trim to 1 (you will definitely play with these to suit you)
  9. Optional . . . Turn Chromatic On: from Main screen, Edit, arrow over to MIDI/USB-Enter, Page over to GTR-MIDI, arrow down to Chromatic-scroll to On (this you should also play with to decide what you like)

From just these few changes you can see there are lots of subtle (and some not so subtle) possibilities available. So read the manual, watch a lot of instructional videos . . . and have fun with your ZETA and the GR-55!

Some Patches I enjoy using, Ref: USER

LP +Stack 45-2, Legato Solo 37-1, Oboe 92-1, Rich Strings 34-2, Pan Flute 98-1, Flute Solo 35-1, Nice Tenor 34-1, Strange Whistle 43-1, Acoustic Bass under Rhythm 29-2, Marimba 89-2, Moody Sax 95-1, Tap Dance Guitar 28-3, Kalimba Pad 19-2, Pipe Organ 79-2, Scat & Guitar 46-3

I move these sounds: Scroll to User 01-01, Write, Page to Exchange, Scroll to desired sound, Write. . . . So all of the above sounds (for me) are located in User Patch 01-1 to 05-3. For performance purposes you would align sounds next to each other for easy access using pedals 1-3 of the GR-55.

(Check back as I will update as I find other settings of interest)



Category: Products

We use the term ‘Reissue’ to refer to Fusion body style instruments made with a double edge around the entire body. This style of body was a key feature of the original ZETA Jazz violins. In addition, as part of the ‘Reissue’ project . . . ZETA also reintroduced our original ‘Imbus’ neck, a ’92 JLP Jazz Reissue preamp, and the Signature ‘Jean-Luc Ponty’ model Jazz Violin. All ZETA Jazz bridge instruments, ie Jazz Fusion and Jazz Imbus models, come with the ’92 JLP Jazz Reissue preamp installed.

Category: Products

We use the term ‘Legacy’ to refer to either a Modern or Fusion body style instrument, made of basswood, with a Black, White, or Cremona finish.

Category: Products

Care and Maintenance

ZETA’s Imbus pegs should be thought of as ‘lock-down’ pegs. They are not intended for fine tuning, but rather for ‘holding’ the pitch level of the string over a long period of time.

Fine tuning to exact pitch should be accomplished by the fine-tuners at the tailpiece. Fine-tuners should only be turned down a few turns at most, and when more ‘tuning up to correct pitch’ is necessary . . . the fine-tuners should be backed off and the ‘lock-down’ Imbus pegs then used as described below.

Proper use of the Imbus peg starts with clock-wise turning (de-tuning) and simultaneous lifting (un-seating) of the peg. With the peg free from a tight friction fit in the peghead (and the string below pitch) . . . then and only then is the string brought up to pitch (turning counter-clockwise) without any friction in the peg. [NOTE: The Imbus peg should not be ‘squeaking’ during any of its turning. If it is, then too much friction is present (ie peg is locked). Release the friction by lifting up on the peg while de-tuning.] Once at pitch the peg is then seated firmly and securely in the peg-hole. Then the fine-tuner is used to bring string to final pitch, which should take less than a full turn of the fine-tuner.

In general . . . damage to Imbus pegs comes from trying to tune up a locked peg. Not following the above procedure can damage the Imbus peg which may eventually require a replacement peg.


Early ZETA Jazz bridges use the strings to pass the ground (coming from the tailpiece) to the pickup elements in the bridge. Most ‘sound’ issues related to an individual string arise from an intermittent ground problem. To check for a grounding issue simply touch a working string to the problem string using a penny or a paper clip (behind the bridge). If the sound of the problem string comes back then you can assume the problem string has lost its ground.

A signal element (single string pickup) ground can be lost for a couple reasons . . . a bad string for instance . . . but typically it is the string to tailpiece connection. Most often the strings fine tuner is the issue. Sometimes ground is lost when the fine tuner is turned in excessively (down to far). When this is the case, the fine point of the adjustment screw has lost its contact with the pivoting piece of the fine tuner and consequently its ground connection with the body of the tailpiece . . . so start by detuning the fine tuner. In some cases simple corrosion has broken the ground connection indicating a good cleaning is in order, and possibly a little filing or scraping of the corroded surface in question.

If ‘grounding’ the string does not fix the sound problem, then the pickup element itself may be the cause. Problems at the element could be a broken signal wire or solder joint . . . or a short between the ground and signal. Beyond this the preamp would be suspect. Repairs involving any of these issues would be best resolved at our ZETA shop. Simply fill out our ‘Repairs’ form (here) describing the problem in detail. Be sure to include your phone number and full address (for return of your instrument to you) and ship your instrument to us at the ZETA shop address.

If shipping from overseas be sure to document your shipment as an item being sent for repair.


Category: Repairs


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12 months ago

I've now finished the top coloring and sealing process of ZETA's custom #1,000. A rich golden brown nicely frames and shows off the delicate pearl and abalone shell inlay of this one of a kind ZETA. Rubbing naptha over the sealed top . . . reveals the color and pop of the inlay. Next is coloring the body and neck . . . then final spray. Hope you enjoy. ... See MoreSee Less

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Oh my word that looks stunning 😍😍 geez I want one 🙏

Very nice work, ZETA!

Gorgeous and beautiful!

1 years ago

OIBF Jam with Greg and Henry Burgess . . .
Featuring ZETA's Acoustic Pro violin and our latest A5_v3 mando.
... See MoreSee Less

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Holy acoustics!

I know ow I love my Zeta JLP

1 years ago

ZETA's OIBF auction item. Auction is Saturday @ 3:00 pm. ... See MoreSee Less

ZETAs OIBF auction item. Auction is Saturday @ 3:00 pm.

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Price ?

my biggest dream in life😔

Europe shop?

1 years ago

OIBF day 2: ZETA smiles abound. ... See MoreSee Less

OIBF day 2: ZETA smiles abound.

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

I looked it up but couldn’t find the answer. What is OIBF?

I want that one! It is my dream zeta!!!

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1 years ago

OIBF day 1: ZETA's Stage A_v3 . . . 'Jerusalem Ridge' with Henry Burgess.

Note: v3 (aka #18), is acoustic only, ie without pickup at this festival.
... See MoreSee Less

1 years ago

Day 1, ZETA at OIBF . . . Guthrie, Oklahoma . . . with Henry Burgess trying out ZETA's Stage AE, ver3. ... See MoreSee Less

Day 1, ZETA at OIBF . . . Guthrie, Oklahoma . . . with Henry Burgess trying out ZETAs Stage AE, ver3.

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

I love my ZETA JLP

i live in qatar and i want to buy a zeta violin 4/4 i want ask for the possibility of getting this violin if you can give me contacts

1 years ago

OIBF day 1 with Andrew Hunt . . . The Hunt Brothers Band . . . playing ZETA's 2023 OIBF Youth Music Scholarship Auction item: ZETA Acoustic Pro 5-String (with Case) ... See MoreSee Less

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Zeta is the best I love my JLP HAHAHA BUTnot replacement on imbus pegs!!! But wooooow the tone!!!!!!! A must try fiddle

نبيل نبيلل☝👂🎻👍👍

2 years ago

Decisions . . . Decisions

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Decisions . . . Decisions

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

15 CommentsComment on Facebook

Moe wants to be a 6-string!

Moe is one angry Fiddle today.. Moe doesn't Like to be left out.. oouuhhh wait, Unless he is SOLD! Then he is thrilled!


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2 years ago

Special Order Dark Cherry Burst . . . Oh My!

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Special Order Dark Cherry Burst . . . Oh My!

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

13 CommentsComment on Facebook

The Best electric violin❤️

I'd rather test drive the violin.

Too cool for words

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2 years ago

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

Love that one!! 🤍🖤🤍🖤


That is Deep!!

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2 years ago

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

17 CommentsComment on Facebook

Heartbeat! Keep on thumpin’.

Beautiful! Betcha it sounds phenomenal! 🎶

My violin 🩵🩵🩵🩵

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2 years ago

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

ZETA Violins , The Best !

Keep them coming!


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2 years ago

Mystical Adventures . . . Part V

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Mystical Adventures . . . Part V

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I love these adventures!

You make some beautiful instruments. The Astronauts need to take one up and play it on the moon.


2 years ago

Mystical Adventures . . . Part IV (I was 30 . . . building Flatiron F & A style carved top mandolins . . . Keith McMillen was 26 . . . building his '2nd generation' of ZETA electric violins . . . one went to Jean-Luc Ponty)

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Mystical Adventures . . . Part IV (I was 30 . . . building Flatiron F & A style carved top mandolins . . . Keith McMillen was 26 . . . building his 2nd generation of ZETA electric violins . . . one went to Jean-Luc Ponty)

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

1 CommentComment on Facebook

There is NO illusion that Zeta Stands Out among all other Electric Violins!

2 years ago

Mystical Adventures . . . Part III (Contemplation)

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Mystical Adventures . . . Part III (Contemplation)

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

11 CommentsComment on Facebook

Strikingly beautiful!! 💚🖤

I love my JLP!!!!! ZETA!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing and beautiful work you do.

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2 years ago

Mystical Adventures . . . Part II (arrival of the 6th Element)

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Mystical Adventures . . . Part II (arrival of the 6th Element)

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Algún número de teléfono??

2 years ago

Mystical Adventures . . . Part I

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Mystical Adventures . . . Part I

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

18 CommentsComment on Facebook

I know I love my JLP

Amazing !!!!!!!!!

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2 years ago


ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less


ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Creative both in innovation and in marketing!


moje marzenie <3

2 years ago

Our ZETA JV45 Fusion TransBlack BlackEdge Burst continues to gain in popularity . . . but seems to be developing a bit of an attitude here lately.

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Our ZETA JV45 Fusion TransBlack BlackEdge Burst continues to gain in popularity . . . but seems to be developing a bit of an attitude here lately.

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

17 CommentsComment on Facebook


A beautiful instrument!!! 🥰🥰


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2 years ago

Custom ZETA Acoustic Pro for Yilian Orama. Thank you Yilian for bringing your sunshine into the world. Check out her video here:

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

Custom ZETA Acoustic Pro for Yilian Orama. Thank you Yilian for bringing your sunshine into the world. Check out her video here:

ZETA . . . available at these fine music dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
2 years ago

Thank you Yilian Orama . . . bringing your sunshine into the world. So BEAUTIFUL! ... See MoreSee Less

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I love this!

Love ❤️🎶


2 years ago

2023 finds us making progress on ZETA's new website featuring all new pics. Forcing myself to find a little bit of time for some photo fun . . . hopefully fun for you as well.

Stop by and check out our recent shipments to these fine ZETA dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy
... See MoreSee Less

2023 finds us making progress on ZETAs new website featuring all new pics. Forcing myself to find a little bit of time for some photo fun . . . hopefully fun for you as well.

Stop by and check out our recent shipments to these fine ZETA dealers:
Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

16 CommentsComment on Facebook

Very nice, ZETA!!

That should be made into a large poster. That is creative and stunning!

The most wonderful violin s ever

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2 years ago

Finished up 2022 strong, with many custom builds and a wide array of classic ZETA's . . . all thanks to you and these fine dealers:

Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

Be sure and stop by and check out their recent ZETA arrivals. You'll enjoy, I'm sure!
... See MoreSee Less

Finished up 2022 strong, with many custom builds and a wide array of classic ZETAs . . . all thanks to you and these fine dealers:

Electric Violin Shop . . . Durham, NC USA
Fly Music . . . Bosanci, Suceava, Romania
Henglewscy Music Salon . . . Poznan, Poland
Scavino Musica . . . Torino, Italy

Be sure and stop by and check out their recent ZETA arrivals. Youll enjoy, Im sure!

20 CommentsComment on Facebook

I used to run Zeta 93-98 with my wife Laura while in Oakland. Glad to see you’re doing well Steve.

I think this is my Violin that i ordered last year in November!!! Its a beauty😘😘❤️❤️❤️

have been using mine for more than 20+ years... living in my dream ...

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3 years ago

Received today from ZETA's Poland dealer Henglewscy Music. Thank you Nell for sharing with us. An odd juxtaposition of heartwarming and heartwrenching at the same time. Violinist Pavlo Lesiuk, escaping from Ukraine and making it to Poland where resident Cellist Szymon Walenciak and Pavlo find a moment to share some music. Our prayers go out each day for all of Ukraine and all those impacted by the tragedy unfolding in Europe. ... See MoreSee Less

Video image

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

what is the price of a zeta violin?

ZETA Violins - do you have distributors in or near Toronto/Canada?


3 years ago

Ready for Day 2 . . . Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival (OIBF) - Guthrie, Oklahoma. Despite some early rain yesterday . . . when the music started at 3:00 pm it was one gorgeous afternoon and night full of that sweet bluegrass sound resonating from the stage and parking lot. We all miss Byron Berline, a good friend and longtime supporter. I think he'd be touched by all the fans that have turned out and the great bands carrying on the legacy of the OIBF festival he started. Rest in peace Byron.

Back in the vendor tent we had a good number of players testing out our ZETA fiddles and mandolins. Our ZETA Stage Mando turned quite a few heads . . . more than one were seen returning a time or two . . . pulling some tone and checking out that pickup.
We're hoping to get one up on stage before long, perhaps tonight?

Tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, is the Young Bluegrass Musicians Scholarship Benefit Auction. ZETA is donating an Acoustic Pro 4-Stirng Fiddle for the auction. If you want to bid you can message me your bid. Auction starts at 4:00 pm Saturday. Serious bidders will be messaged by me live during the auction if desired. So this is a great opportunity to take part and support an over the top worthy cause and own a ZETA Pro 4 .
... See MoreSee Less

Ready for Day 2 . . . Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival (OIBF) - Guthrie, Oklahoma. Despite some early rain yesterday . . . when the music started at 3:00 pm it was one gorgeous afternoon and night full of that sweet bluegrass sound resonating from the stage and parking lot. We all miss Byron Berline, a good friend and longtime supporter. I think hed be touched by all the fans that have turned out and the great bands carrying on the legacy of the OIBF festival he started. Rest in peace Byron.

Back in the vendor tent we had a good number of players testing out our ZETA fiddles and mandolins. Our ZETA Stage Mando turned quite a few heads . . . more than one were seen returning a time or two . . . pulling some tone and checking out that pickup.
Were hoping to get one up on stage before long, perhaps tonight?

Tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, is the Young Bluegrass Musicians Scholarship Benefit Auction. ZETA is donating an Acoustic Pro 4-Stirng Fiddle for the auction. If you want to bid you can message me your bid. Auction starts at 4:00 pm Saturday. Serious bidders will be messaged by me live during the auction if desired. So this is a great opportunity to take part and support an over the top worthy cause and own a ZETA Pro 4 .

7 CommentsComment on Facebook

Her price ???

Very generous to donate a Zeta violin to encourage young string players !

Go ZETA! I know you will have a successful Day 2 spreading the ZETA love (which you do best). I’m hoping to make a trip to the factory mid October to say ‘HI’. Very best regards to Team ZETA!

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About Us

. . . meet the ZETA team

Helen Beausoleil

With over 20,000 instruments having passed through her hands (give or take a few hundred), Helen is what you might call an expert . . . and of course, that[Read more]

Steve Carlson

Raised in Boulder, Colorado, Steve moved to Bozeman, Montana to study Architecture at MSU in 1972. His passion for banjo playing led him to opening a music[Read more]

Natalie Padilla Koob

Originally from Montana, Natalie began fiddling at the age of 3 under the instruction of her mother, acclaimed fiddler & composer Nancy Padilla; soon a[Read more]

LoudBox Artist

"I lead a flat life here at Zeta Violins. Sure, I'm supposed to hang in the background, I know that. But give me a break. Turn my knobs please. Add some co[Read more]

Phil Brug

Phil was born and raised in the Cody area of Wyoming. His parents were some of the last homesteaders in the United States. Growing up farming and ranching [Read more]

James Schlender

James, a native of Montana, grew up in a home filled with the sound of guitar and mandolin being played by his father, a traditionalist in the old-time sty[Read more]

Jamie Carlson Henley

Jamie, born and raised just north of Bozeman, grew up in a world that seemed to revolve around musical instrument production. Even on weekend visits to her[Read more]


. . . sound check please


ZETA Instrument Repair and Pricing Guidelines . . .

ZETA Bridge/Pickup Issues
